

SMRpodcast #256: Robb the Equalizer

Episode #256 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for dowload.  This week the Long Lost Host, a.k.a., Rod Simmons, joins Chris and Robb to talk tech events over the last week. Before we jump into tech, we start the show off with talks of Rod's most recent trip and... read more

SMRpodcast #255: Got ‘Em!

SMRpodcast episode #255 is online and ready for download.  Rod is out this week, but, Terrance Gaines,  a.k.a. BrothaTech covers along with Robb and Chris. This is the slowest time of the year when it comes to technology and there aren't a ton of big stories... read more

SMRpodcast #254: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 31

SMRpodcast episode #254 is online and ready for download.  Rod is out, and, since it is just the two big fellas on the mic, Robb and Chris hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer, Part 31. We start this week of with the thing that has consumed all of Chris's time since... read more

SMRPodcast #253: We’re Back

After nearly month long hiatus the SMRpodcast returns with episode #253.  We've got a full crew this week with your hosts Chris, Rod, and Robb and we are joined by Allison Sheridan of the Nosillacast podcast. After letting you know why we were away, we jump right... read more

SMRpodcast #249: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 29

SMRpodcast episode #249 is online and ready for download.  It's just Chris and Robb this week, so, we hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer part 29. It was an incredibly slow week for tech since the last episode of the show, but, Chris and Robb do manage to cover... read more