
Posted May 21, 2015
SMRpodcast #254: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 31

SMRpodcast episode #254 is online and ready for download.  Rod is out, and, since it is just the two big fellas on the mic, Robb and Chris hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer, Part 31.

We start this week of with the thing that has consumed all of Chris's time since about 1:00 p.m. EST.  That thing would be House of Wolves, the second expansion to the popular MMORPG Destiny.  Chris gives a pretty good overview of what you will find in the new expansion, but, to some it up into one word, Destiny is now simply “better” cleaning up a lot of little annoynces after the intial release of Destiny and the first expansion.

AT&T is getting rid of 2-year contracts on smartphones and will only offer the AT&T Next program starting June 1st.  Chris is already on the next plan and loves it as it saves him over $30 per month on his family plan.

Microsoft has released an OTA Digital Tuner for the Xbox One in the U.S. and Canada.  You can pick up the tuner for $59.99, or, bundle it with a digital antenna for a hundred bucks.   The Xbox One is still not a DVR, but, the fact that you can pause live televison with the digital tuner, means we are probably only an update away from being able to use your Xbox to record OTA content.

Office Apps are coming to Android Phones, Spotify launched video content, Microsoft is working on a new lightweight mail client, and, Chris is still liking his iPhone 6 Plus.  We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode #254 of the SMRpodcst.

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Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @RobbDunewood
Rod Simmons — @RodSimmons


Apple Carplay – Allows you to control functions on your iPhone via your car's built-in display

Layout for Instagram —  App which allows Instagram you to create fun, one-of-a-kind layouts by remixing your own photos and sharing them with your friends.