

SMRPodcast #222: You Just Need One Reason

SMRpodcast episode #222 is online and ready for download.  We have a full crew for the second week in row and Chris, Robb, and Rod jump right into it. Time Warner Cable had a massive nationwide internet outage on Wednesday that affected more than 11 million... read more

SMRPodcast #221: It’s Wonderful

SMRpodcast episode #221 is online and ready for download. We've got a full cast this week as Mr. Rod Simmons is back from 7 straight weeks of being on the road. We start this week off with a story of how Chris Ashley is somewhat antisocial, while, at the same time,... read more

SMRPodcast #219: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 23

  SMRpodcast #219 is online and ready for download, and, for the second week in a row, Chris and Robb hit you with a Chicken Wings and Beer episode, part 23.   We start the show off with talks of Chris's new stainless steel grill and the outdoor home projects... read more

SMRPodcast # 217 : The Upgrade

SMRpodcast episode #217 is online and ready for download. With Robb on vacation and Rod out on travel, the show takes a serious upgrade when it is joined by Allison Sheridan from the Nosillacast Podcast and Terrence Gaines from There was not a bevy of... read more

SMRPodcast #212: Twice in one show

SMRpodcast episode #212 is online and ready for download.  This week we talk WWDC with Allison Sheridan from the NosillaCast Podcast over at There was a lot of news out of Apple's developer conference and Allison jumps right into it with a run... read more