
Posted February 2, 2014
SMRPodcast #194: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 18
Episode #194 of the SMRpodcast has been recorded, is online, and is ready for download.  Rod Simmons is still traveling the world, so, Chris and Robb bring you another episode of Chicken Wings and Beer.

Believe it or not, this week we talked a little about BlackBerry…  We didn't say much, but, BlackBerry Stock is up over the last week or so and you can now install install Android apps, .APK files, without having to go through BlackBerry App World in the latest version of BlackBerry 10, 10.2.1.

Robb has decided that he isn't a fan of the new TV show Intelligence.  After three shows he's decided that that 1 hour per week it takes to watch the show could be put to much better use.  Chris, although, not completely bought in, still has Intellegence on the DVR list.

Microsoft changes the name of SkyDrive to OneDrive.  Apparently a company in Europe has Sky in their name or talk about the sky or something, and a court has decided that it is confusing to customers and Microsoft much change their name.

The Mac turns 30, Chris' quest to automate everything that run's on electricity in his house continues, and Rod may decide to stop traveling and do a show in February.  We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode #194 of the SMRpodcast…

Show Details

  • Recorded: January 28th, 2014
  • Published: February 2nd, 2014
  • Duration: 01hr 34min 00sec



Big stories we covered this week

  • We give our take Skydrive renamed to OneDrive
  • BlackBerry stock is up

Other stories we covered this week

  • The Mac turned 30
  • Our TV show updates

Picks of the Week