
Posted November 21, 2013
SMRPodcast #188: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 16

SMRpodcast #188 is online and ready for download.  Rod is out this week, so, Robb and Chris hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer, episode 16.

We had to start off with a shout out to the Big Fella as he celebrated a birthday this week.  He spent his whole day off watching movies, so, needless to say, there was a lot of movie talk this episode.
We did manage to talk a little PS4, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Cloud Storage, and Xbox Glass.  We also touched on some of the crazy stuff Stephon Elop may do if he becomes CEO of Microsoft.
We've got all this, a heck of lot more because it is Chicken Wings and Beer, and our picks in this episode of the SMRpodcast.

Show Details

  • Recorded: November 20th, 2013
  • Published: November 21st, 2013
  • Duration: 01hr 41min 00sec



Big stories we covered this week

  • Stephen Elop would consider Xbox and Bing we weigh in
  • Attachments can now be saved directly to Google Drive
  • Playstation launched last week and sells 1 million units

Other stories we covered this week

  • iPad Mini launched with Retina display
  • Dropbox is making some interesting moves
  • A lot of Movie and TV Show Talk

Picks of the Week