
Posted January 30, 2013
SMRPodcast #150: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 9

In episode #150 of the SMRPodcast, Chris and Robb hit you with installment 9 of Chicken Wings and Beer and is the second 2-man show in as many weeks.

Robb is all giddy about the Jan. 30th release of BlackBerry 10 and has committed to switch his number over to the new BlackBerry and leave his GS3 in the drawer for at least a couple of weeks while he tests is out.

News that the Microsoft Surface Pro will ship with as little as 36% of the advertised storage on the 64 GB model and Chris explains why this isn't as nearly a big deal as it's made out to be.

Robb and Chris both admit to being able to watch most any movie with explosions and fight scenes, but, reminisce on how bad the movie Haywire was…

We talk about Twitter's Vine, ponder why Google gets crushed by Amazon in Android tablet sales, and discuss if Microsoft will eventually buy Nokia.

We've got all this, our picks, and more, in episode #150 of the SMRpodcast…

Show Details

  • Recorded: January 29th, 2012
  • Published: January 30th, 2012
  • Duration: 01hr 26min 00sec



Opening Thoughts

  • Rod is out this week so we immediately switch modes
  • Poor Rob is still feeling the effects of getting old

We talk about the impending announcement of BlackBerry 10

  • Robb says he is looking forward to the announcement and fully plans on making it his primary device
  • Chris says that he plans on trying out the new Phone as well

The new social app Vine is starting to take off and we discuss our thoughts on it

  • Robb says he has not used it yet but thinks that it will cross all platforms
  • Chris can see why this app is getting popular but is wondering how long it can hold peoples interest

Is all the Surface hard drive space complaining warranted

  • Chris points out that all PC’s are sold the same way
  • Robb agrees that moving information to the cloud can save space

The Kindle fire is leading all Android tablets in sales

  • Chris was surprised to see that it is the number one Android tablet
  • Robb points out that the Nexus 7 is in last place

Picks of the Week