
Posted February 8, 2012
SMRPodcast #103: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 3

Episode # of the SMRpodcast, Chicken Wings And Beer Part 3, has been recorded, posted online, and is ready for download. This week finds Rod away on business so Robb and Chris take over the show. We talk about Brandon Watson leaving Microsoft and whether he leaves a void. We also talk about RIM losing a huge supporter of the BlackBerry platform. Robb and Chris also have some comments on the SuperBowl and a few Xbox games. Finally we talk about a surprising revelation of Apple’s revenue source and the new DROID 4.

Show Details

  • Recorded: February 7th, 2012
  • Published: February 8th, 2012
  • Duration: 01hr 11min 00sec



Opening Thoughts

  • Robb asks Chris about Rod missing the show
  • Chris has a few complaints about Rod’s timing
  • Chris talks about his love of Gears of War 3
  • Robb has been playing Space Marines

Robb asks Chris about the Big Microsoft News Last week

  • Chris talks about Brandon Watson Leaving Microsoft
  • Robb says once Brandon gets settled, hopefully he will come back on the show
  • Robb wants to know if there will a huge impact
  • Chris says you cannot replace that talent

Robb Talks About Halliburton switching to iPhone

  • Robb says that this is devastating news for RIM
  • Robb also points out why they are switching
  • Chris says that the effect will also affect RIM on their server side business

We talk about the SuperBowl and the commercials

  • Robb picks his best commercial of 2012
  • Chris talks about his favorite commercial 2012
  • Robb picks his number one Superbowl commercial of all time
  • Chris talks about his number one SuperBowl commercial of all time

Allison from the NosillaCast Podcast sends us some information on Apple

  • Both of us can’t believe the chart that she sent us
  • We talk about Apple’s number one source of income
  • We also talk about where software falls in Apple’s business

Chris Talks about the leaked Windows Phone 8 information

  • Chris lays out all the features that are expected in Windows Phone 8
  • Robb can see where Microsoft is headed with Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

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