

SMRpodcast #235: Whatever You Like

SMRpodcast episode #235, after an unplanned hiatus last week, has been recorded, is online, and ready for download.  We've got a full crew with Robb, Rod, and Chris this week and we waste little time jumping into the top tech stories over the last 10 days or so.... read more

SMRPodcast #233: Uber’s VP of Business Said What?

SMRpodcast episode #233 is online and ready for download.  Rod Simmons is on the road this week,  but, Chris and Robb are joined by Mr. Brent Harmon, who always adds calm, logic, and rationality to the show. We start this week off with talk about how Uber VP of... read more

SMRPodcast #231: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 27

  SMRpodcast Episode #231 is online and ready for download.  This week it is just Robb and Chris, so, we hit you with another edition of Chicken Wings and Beer. Show Details Recorded: November 05th, 2014 Published: November 06th, 2014 Duration: 01hr 38min 36sec... read more

SMRpodcast #146: The Takeover

Episode #146 of the SMRpodcast, The Takeover, has been recorded, posted online, and is ready for download.  This week Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Mac Podcast and Terrance Gaines of take over the hosting duties of the show.  Chris, Rod, and... read more

SMRPodcast #135: Allison “Hot Sauce” Sheridan

This week in episode #135 of the SMRPodcast, we are joined, once again, by Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast podcast to get her thoughts on the iPhone 5.  Allison was one of the 2 million people to order the iPhone 5 in within the first 24 hours that it was... read more