

SMRPodcast #224: Bad Influences

SMRpodcast episode #224 is online and ready for download.  This week the crew is joined by Terrance Gaines, a.k.a., BrothaTech from, and, a self proclaimed Apple zealot, Allison Sheridan from the Nosillacast Podcast. Apple held its September 9th... read more

SMRPodcast #223: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 24

SMRpodcast episode #223 is online and ready to download. It's just a two man show this week, so, Chris and Robb hit you with another edition of Chicken Wings and Beer. The big news over the last week had to be Apple and the security breach of several high profile... read more

SMRPodcast #222: You Just Need One Reason

SMRpodcast episode #222 is online and ready for download.  We have a full crew for the second week in row and Chris, Robb, and Rod jump right into it. Time Warner Cable had a massive nationwide internet outage on Wednesday that affected more than 11 million... read more

SMRPodcast #221: It’s Wonderful

SMRpodcast episode #221 is online and ready for download. We've got a full cast this week as Mr. Rod Simmons is back from 7 straight weeks of being on the road. We start this week off with a story of how Chris Ashley is somewhat antisocial, while, at the same time,... read more

SMRPodcast #220: Driving In My Caddy

SMRpodcast episode #220 is has been recorded, is online, and ready for download.  After a week long hiatus Chris and Robb catch you up on some of the biggest tech stories of the past week. We start the show off with talk of how Chris caught a picture of his baby girl... read more