

SMRpodast #262: Little Community

Episode #262 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. Robb is out this week, so Chris and Rod are joined by the great Allison Sheridan from the NosillaCast Podcast. This week’s panel cover a wide range of topics from cord cutting to current tech news.... read more

SMRpodast #261: The Minion Show

Episode #261 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. Robb and Rod are out this week, so Chris starts a minion takeover of the show. Guest hosts this week are Kevin Wheeler and Joel Rushworth two of the SMRpodcast Minions who are on to help talk about the... read more

SMRpodcast #258: Wholly Better

SMRpodcast episode #258 is online and ready for download. This week we recorded a bit early to accommodate Allison’s schedule and as such, Robb could not make it. No need to fear, an excellent show is still at hand. To start the show we have a quick update and... read more

SMRPodcast #252: Knee in the back

SMRpodcast episode #252 is ready for your listening pleasure and this weeks finds us down a host. Robb is taking a quick trip and therefore Rod and Chris are up to bat to hold the show down. We start the show off discussing a fun tax situation but immediately go into... read more

SMRpodcast #251: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 30

SMRpodcast episode #251 is online and ready for download.  It's just the two big fellas this week, so, Chris and Robb hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer part 30. We eventually get to tech this week, but, Chris and Robb first give you their thoughts and reactions to... read more