
Posted May 23, 2019
SMRpodcast Episode #414: The Nerf

Episode #414 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  Rod is suffering from sleep deprivation due to a less than stellar travel experience, so, Robb and Chris hold it down for you wasting no time getting to the tech news of the week.  We cover everything from the extremely sad story of Robb's primary TV going out and how he, for 2 whole days watching sports on a little 720p, display with a ridiculously low refresh rate, to Monsanto knowingly poisoning consumers with cancer-causing pesticides.  We also have two pretty-good picks for you this week.

Show Information




Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @robbdunewood
Rod Simmons — @rodsimmons
