
Posted April 22, 2021
SMRpodcast #497: Dainty Hands

Episode #497 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  We have a full crew this week, however, Robb and Chris kick the show off while Rod rushes back from his son's baseball game.  The big tech news this week was the Apple event where it officially announced the new M1 iMac, Apple Podcast Subscriptions, Air Tags, and more.  Robb and Rod are both interested in the new M1 iPad Pro.  GM announced that the new Caddilac Lyriq EV is coming early.  You can pre-order starting in September for availability in the first half of 2022 and you can get one, nicely loaded, for under $60k. The FCC, starting September 28, will require carriers to block all incoming calls from providers not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database and, said, carriers must track work being done to eliminate robocalls in a new centralized database set up by the FCC.  We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode #497 of the SMRpodcast.

Show Information



Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @robbdunewood
Rod Simmons — @rodsimmons

Loupedeck+ –  Custom console for video and photo editing and color grading
Apple Card Family –  Allows people to share Apple Card and build credit together
Boveda Humidity Control –  Humidity packs for Cigars and Tobacco