
Posted August 10, 2017
SMRpodcast #349: I Will Be Watching

Episode #349 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. This is the last week (we think) of Rod's ridiculous summer travel schedule, so, it's just the two big fellas this week, although it should be noted that neither Chris nor Robb are as big as they used to be.

There wasn't a lot of hard core tech news over the last week, but, Chris gives an update on his brother, Robb got “Got” at the motor cycle super store, a Google employee learned that freedom of speech doesn't come without freedom of consequences, and, the Ashley family thinks that the Apple Watch is cheating them on activity minutes, but, in a good way.

We've got all this, our picks, plus Chris buys and rides a new bike for the first time in over 20 years.

Have a listen…

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Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @robbdunewood
Rod Simmons — @rodsimmons

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