
Posted August 4, 2017
SMRpodcast #348: Ten Days

SMRpodcast episode #348 is online and ready for download.  Rod is on the last leg of his world tour, so, it's just the big fellas this week.

I could be making this up, but, Chris, with all the Apple gear he purchased since the last show, may be personally responsible for the run up on Apple stock over the few days.

Tesla appears to have hit a home run with the Model 3, but, Robb doesn't think the big 3 will be completely left out in the cold.

Chris says Global Entry is well worth it, SnapChat stock has tanked since its IPO, Apple is being sued for allowing Facetime to break on older iPhones, and counting steps works when you compete with others.

We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode #348 of the SMRpodcast.

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Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @robbdunewood
Rod Simmons — @rodsimmons

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Sleep ++  — Sleep tracking App for iPhone / Apple Watch