
Posted July 3, 2013
SMRPodcast #170: Chicken Wings And Beer Part 12

Episode #170 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready to download.  This week Rod is out, so, Chris and Robb hit you with another episode of Chicken Wings and Beer.

We come to you with whatever or on our minds in Chicken Wings and Beer episodes and this week's show starts of with Robb going to see “White House Down”. For a 2 hour and 17 minute flick that you know exactly how things will end less than 10 minutes in, Robb was fairly entertained.  Not a must see, but, worth renting when it comes out on DVD.
The vultures are circling BlackBerry headquarters as the death spiral continues.  The company reported a fairly substantial miss in its Q1FY2014 results and the stock is down well over 30% and is continuing to fall.  The company also announced that it will not be upgrading the BlackBerry PlayBook to BlackBerry 10.
In other news, Don Mattrick, former Xbox head, leaves Microsoft to become CEO of Zynga.  This is the guy that, at E3, told consumers that had concerns about the always on internet connection which the Xbox 360 used to require, that the Xbox 360 was the device for them.
Clearly this wasn't the only reason he left MS, but, is one of the biggest PR kerfuffles we've seen in recent memory.
Chris and Robb talk Facebook coming to Windows Phone, no apps coming to BlackBerry, the awesomeness of Voxer and our picks in episode #170 of the SMRpodcast, a.k.a, Chicken Wings and Beer part 12..

Show Details

  • Recorded: July 02nd, 2013
  • Published: July 03rd, 2013
  • Duration: 01hr min 00sec



Big stories we covered this week

  1. BlackBerry stock is way down and to make matters worse, they will not be updating the Playbook
  2. Don Mattrick leaving Microsoft for Zynga
  3. Is there a way to save RIM

Fun Moments

  • We talk about Rod being upset with RIM
  • Robb gives his thoughts on the movie White House Down

Picks of the Week