This week in episode #135 of the SMRPodcast, we are joined, once again, by Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast podcast to get her thoughts on the iPhone 5. Allison was one of the 2 million people to order the iPhone 5 in within the first 24 hours that it was available, but, won't get her device until October 5th. Needless to say we talk a lot of iPhone 5 in the first hour of the show, including the Jimmy Kimmel video where he gets people on the street reactions to the the iPhone 5 will showing them an iPhone 4S.
We also talk NFC, and if it will ever take of for mobile payments. Rod and Chris get into a heated debate on my hypothetical question of if NFC would catch on if the DMV could pair your NFC chip to your drivers license allowing you to use your form as a form of Identification. We've got all this, plus our picks, in episode #135 of the SMRPodcast…
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- Recorded:Â September 18th, 2012
- Published:Â September 19th, 2012
- Duration:Â 01hr 30min 30sec

- Rod Simmons @RodSimmons
- Chris Ashley @bigChrisAshley
- Robb Dunewood @RobbDunewood
- Allison Sheridan @podfeet
Opening Thoughts
- We welcome Allison Sheridan to the show
We talk about the iPhone 5
- Rod does not like the fact that the Verizon device cannot do voice and data.
- Allison likes what she has seen but needs to use the device.
- Robb feels if you can afford it buy a iPhone every year
- Chris wants to know how Allison feels about the term “underwhelmingâ€Â when talking about the announcement
Yahoo buying employees new smartphones BlackBerry not included
- Allison wants to know where Robb is at with this news
- Robb says that it is their own fault for not having a device
- Chris mentions that Nokia is offering free wireless chargers for Yahoo employees that choose a Nokia 920
HTC announcing new Windows Phone 8 devices
- Allison is wondering who else is producing Windows Phone 8 Devices
- Chris mentions that HTC is announcing new devices tomorrow
- Robb wants to know if this release will finally put Windows Pone on the map
We get into a huge discussion over NFC
- Robb feels that NFC will not take off
- Rod says that NFC does not solve any issues
- Chris feels that it does not have to solve problems to take off
Picks of the Week
- Glympse (Google Play/App Store) Robb Dunewood (RIMarkable)
- Apex Launcher (Home Screen Launcher) Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview)
- Borderlands 2 (Xbox Game)Chris Ashley (WinGadgetNews / SimpleMobileReview)