

SMRpodcast #279:

Episode #279 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  Rod is out this week, but, Chris and Robb are joined by Terrance Gaines, a.k.a, BrothaTech, and we don't miss a beat talking tech and stuff from the past week. This week's show almost has a chicken... read more

SMRpodcast #278: The real reason with Allison Sheridan

Episode #278 if the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. Rod is out this week but Chris and Robb are joined by the awesome Allison Sheridan from the NosillaCast podcast who picked up a couple of new toys from Apple that she wants to tell us all about. We start... read more

SMRpodcast #277: OneDrive PR Fumble

Episode #277 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  We've got a full crew this week and Robb, Chris, and Rod waste no time getting into the tech news. The biggest news this week comes out of Microsoft.  For reasons unknown the biggest software company... read more

SMRpodcast #276: SurfaceBook Love

Episode #276 of the SRMpodcast is online and ready for download.  We've got a full crew this week and a few of us got brand new toys.  We talk SurfaceBook, Halo, Xbox Controllers, and a little social commentary.  We've got all this, our picks, and more in episode... read more

SMRpodcsat #275: Just a little bit

Episode #275 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  We've got a full crew this week and Robb, Rod, and Chris waste no time getting to the tech news over the past week. 1PassWord Leaks Your data, but, not really,  Paul Thurrott believes only Android can... read more