

SMRpodcast #284: You Did A Kanye

Episode #284 of the SMRpodcast has been recorded, posted online, and is ready for download.  We've got a full crew this week as Rod returns from vacationing in Hawaii. We start the show of with talks of Rod's vacation and just how much snow was dumped on the East... read more

SMRpodcast #283:

SMRpodcast episode #283 is online and ready for download.  Rod is out this week, but, Robb and Chris are joined by Terrance Gaines, a.k.a., Brothatech, who always brings an Apple fans perspective to the show. This week we talk Jada Pinkett Smith, Aunt Viv, and the... read more

SMRpodcast #282: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 36.

SMRpodcast #281 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  It's just the two big fellas this week, so, Chris and Robb hit you with the first Chicken Wings and Beer episode of 2016. Is the Cincinnati Bengals meltdown at the end of the AFC wildcard game... read more

SMRpodcast #281: Just The Handlebars

SMRpodcast episode #281 is online and ready for download.   We are back from our holiday hiatus with a full crew this week.  The tech news is a little slow as we are just before CES, but, Rod got a new Nexus 6, Chris admits Windows 10 Mobile isn't ready for... read more

SMRpodcast #280: A Milk Crate

SMRpodcast episode #280 is online and ready for download.   We've got a full crew this week, but, the show definitely takes on a Chicken Wings and Beer kind of feel as we talk everything from Windows 10 Mobile first thoughts to NCAA Pay for Play. Show Information... read more