Getting Closer: SMRpodcast #527
SMRpodcast episode #527 is online. The crew, this week, talk about the AWS outage and how Robb (thinks) it affected one of his podcast hosting companies. We also get into Verizon's decision to simply ignore customer opt-out preferences. Rod is discovering that...
The Ghosting: SMRpodcast #526
Episode #526 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. This week all three friends are on discussing the latest personal stories as well as the latest in tech news. Show Information Hosts: Chris Ashley -- @bigchrisashley Robb Dunewood -- @robbdunewood Rod...
Hot Dog Tech: SMRpodcast #525
Episode #525 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. The crew this week covers everything from Rod's new table saw to just how good some professional gamers are. We also have excellent picks for you this week. Show Information Hosts: Chris Ashley --...
There IS No Transaction: SMRpodcast Episode 524
Episode #524 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. The full show is on and having fun talking the latest tech news. Chris leads off with a interesting support conversation with the popular cash app team. Rod and Robb follow up with an interesting tech...
Is Apple The New Hect's: SMRpodcast #523
Episode #523 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download. Rod is back from his international travels and tells us what he loves most about his new Google Pixel 6 Pro and why he, personally, will no longer buy products from Apple. We also talk a little bit...
Chicken Wings and Beer Part 79: SMRpodcast #522
Episode #522 of the SMRpodcast is back after a one-week hiatus. It's just the Big Fellas this week so Chris and Robb hit you Chicken Wings and Beer part 79. We talk tech, movies, and both Robb and Chris are tempted to switch it up when it comes to getting a new...
Not One Bone: SMRpodcast #521
Episode #521 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  We kick this week's discussion off with a bit of sports talk. Wilder vs Fury fight was pretty entertaining and it turns out that John Gruden casually sends racist, homophobic, misogynistic emails...
The Big Outage: SMRpodcast #520
Episode number 520 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download and, for the first time in several weeks, we have a full crew. The big news of the week was the massive Facebook outage and the ongoing story of the Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen. ...