
Posted April 7, 2017
SMRpodcast #336: Chicken Wings and Beer Part 48

Episode #336 of the SMRpodcast is online and ready for download.  It's just the two big fellas, so, Chris and Robb hit you with Chicken Wings and Beer Part 48.   This show is a bit more political than usual, even for a CWB episode, but, there is a lot going on in world.  When we get to tech, Robb and Chris talk a lot of Google and YouTube, and, you might not believe this, but, they disagree on YouTube's new advertising policies.

We've got all this and more, but, no picks this week.  You'll have to listen to find out why.

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Chris Ashley — @bigchrisashley
Robb Dunewood — @robbdunewood
Rod Simmons — @rodsimmons